Search Results for: bible

Buku Bible Prophecy: The Essentials: Answers to Your Most Common Questions – Amir Tsarfati, Barry Sta

 Satisfy your curiosity concerning the last days! Highly trusted prophecy  experts Tsarfati and Stagner offer concise Scripture-focused  clarification regarding the seven biggest end-time issues—Israel, the  church, rapture, tribulation, millennium, final judgment, and heaven.  Applying their wisdom and discernment to often-complicated teachings,  you can fully understand what will happen in these final days. 208  pages, softcover […]

Buku Basic Bible Interpretation – Roy B. Zuck

 Isn’t Bible interpretation just for the experts? No, says Dr.  Zuck—it’s essential for each Christian’s understanding and application  of Scripture. Discover the challenges, problems, key terms, and history  of interpretation—all in practical, down-to-earth language. Develop  the skills you need to get the most out of your Bible study! 372 pages,  hardcover from Victor.    Title: […]

Buku KJV Holy Bible – Value Outreach Paperback

  The  full text of the KJV with extra helps is the ideal Bible for a new  Christian or someone interested in learning more about God. The  King James translation is the best-selling and most-read English  translation of all time. The KJV Outreach Bible is ideal for ministries  and churches that want to share the gospel […]

Buku ESV Chronological Bible, Hardcover

 Read through Scripture in Historical Order with the ESV Chronological Bible From Genesis to Revelation, the ESV Chronological Bible guides readers through the 8 eras of the Bible in the order the events occurred: Creation and Fall The Patriarchs The Exodus, Conquest of the Land, and Judges The United Kingdom The Divided Kingdom The Exile […]

Buku CSB Explorer Bible for Kids–hardcover

 * Help kids explore the who, what, when, where, and why of God’s Word!Words  of Christ in red * Full-color images, illustrations, timelines,  profiles, maps, and aids * Book introductions * “Christ in Context” *  Key memory verses * Glossary and concordance * QR codes * Ages 6 to 12 *  Size: 6″ x 9″ […]

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